Artistic an authentic, this insightful relationship drama follows the love story of Michael (Fahad Fazil) and Gayatri (Ann Augustine), who begin their journey together as classmates at the Fine Arts College. Their thoughts and aims in life are in synchronized alignment which brings them together. Their greatest aim in life is to become world renowned painters. They start to live together to let their love and companionship inspire a spark of genius that would lift them to new heights of success.
However, it is only when they start a life together that Gayatri is forced to face the truth that her dreams are not realistic; that the drudgery of day to day living is very different from what she had envisioned.
Meanwhile Michael faces a great tragedy in his life that drastically alters both their lives; the impact of which is skilfully painted in 'Artist'.
'Artist' soulfully narrates the obstacles and complications lovers from the present generation often encounter, while exemplifying the trials and tribulations that manifest in the lives of those who aspire to become world famous artists.
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