Mumbai-based Saxena family consists of Professor Nirbhay, his wife Preeti, their school-going daughter Ritu, Nirbhay's college-going brother and sister, Vijay and Suman respectively. Vijay meets with fellow collegian Honey, and after a few altercations they fall in love with each other. Vijay is introduced to Honey's maternal uncle, Bhagwandas, and he approves instantly. Honey's long-estranged brother, Kanhaiya, re-enters her life and asks her not to see Vijay anymore. Then the lives of the entire Saxena family change drastically when money alloted for Suman's marriage is stolen, and Vijay accepts a contract to kill a man named Gulla - not knowing that he is being set up to kill none other than Nirbhay himself.
Govinda was signed for the film but dropped out. He was replaced by Ajay Devgn.
Zeba Bhaktiar was to do the film but opted out.
Bedardi 1993
12 Nov 1993 ● Hindi ● 2 hrs 48 mins
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