Benegal’s adaptation of the classic Chattisgarhi dialect folk play by the noted stage director Habib Tanvir. Remembered mainly for celebrated folk theatre actors Fidabai and Madanlal and as Smita Patil’s film debut (in the role of a princess). The crazy comedy is about petty thieves in a village who keep eluding the bumbling police until the central character, Charandas (Lalu Ram), is executed for being honest rather than for being a criminal.
The film is based on a famous play by Habib Tanvir, which itself was an adaptation of a classical Rajasthani folktale by Vijaydan Detha.
Habib Tanvir, who wrote the play on which the film is based, plays the role of the magistrate in the film.
Charandas Chor 1975
01 Jan 1975 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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