Fast-paced and fiery, this offbeat crime drama traces the twists and turns in the life of Karthik, a young man working in the Indian film industry.
When he given an assignment by his producer to write a gripping script for a sensational gangster movie with lots of fire, violence, danger and twists, Karthik decides that he must have a real-life inspiration.
His focus falls upon Sethu, a ruthless gangster who is ably supported by quirky, yet scary henchmen. However, despite his best efforts, Karthik's attempts to discreetly learn details about Sethu's personal life as well as the way his criminal empire works turn out to be in vain.
Finally, Karthik seemingly gets an opening to gain deeper insight into Sethu's life, but disaster strikes all round, as he gets caught in the chaos following the discovery of a mole within Sethu's gang. What will the future hold in store for Sethu and Karthik?