When Aryaputra Samant Bijgupt ignores Yashodhara and continues to frequent Rajnartaki Chitralekha, Yashodhara's father, Mrityunjay, approaches celibate Yogi Kumargiri, who reprimands Chitralekha and asks her to free Bijgupt so that he can marry and sire a heir. She initially refuses, but subsequently decides to abandon her lavish lifestyle, and re-locates to the Ashram of Kumargiri and his male disciples, leaving a disillusioned Bijgupt no choice but to accede to the request of Samrat Chandragupt and marry Yashodhara.
The film is based on the 1934 Hindi novel of the same name by Bhagwati Charan Verma.
The film is a remake of Chitralekha (1941). Unlike the 1941 version, it failed to do well at the box office.
Chitralekha 1964
01 Jan 1964 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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