This offbeat social drama revolves around a women police station, which is operated by eight women police personnel. Having faced great insults and injustice in their lives, and having to endure gender-based prejudice and discrimination on a day-to-day basis, the women personnel have developed a strong aversion to men in general.
Into this explosive situation comes Ramakrishnan, the 'Driver on Duty', and the only male in the establishment. The crux of this tale revolves around the complex and humorous situations he finds himself in, while delving into concepts of gender-bias in society.
Did you know? This movie marks the directorial debut of Manoj Palodan, who is basically from Palode. He has been associated with the malayalam film industry for almost 17 years, to be precise from 1998. He was the associate director of well known durectors like Saji Surandran, Viji Thampi and Venu Nagavalli. Read More
This movie marks the directorial debut of Manoj Palodan, who is basically from Palode. He has been associated with the malayalam film industry for almost 17 years, to be precise from 1998. He was the associate director of well known durectors like Saji Surandran, Viji Thampi and Venu Nagavalli.
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