Film is Based on Duvidha by Vijayadan Detha, it's about merchant's son, whose relationship with his young bride, Lachhi is thwarted by his work and a ghost who falls in love with her, resulting in the ghost soon impersonating the husband.
Did you know? The film won director Mani Kaul the National Film Award for Best Direction. It also won the Critics Award for Best film at the 1974 Filmfare Awards. Read More
The film won director Mani Kaul the National Film Award for Best Direction. It also won the Critics Award for Best film at the 1974 Filmfare Awards.
The film was remade as Paheli (2005), with Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerji in the lead roles.
Duvidha 1973
01 Jan 1973 ● Hindi ● 1 hr 22 mins
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