Widower Shankar lives a middle-class lifestyle in India along with daughters, Sudha and Guddiya, and son, Rakesh, and makes a living working as a Cashier in a bank. He is very friendly with his neighbor, Karim, who lives by himself. Sudha has fallen in love with Captain Deepak Verma, a Pilot, the only child of widower Colonel Verma, and he arranges their marriage. Before even the engagement could take place, Shankar confesses to stealing ten thousand rupees from the bank to help a deserving customer, he is arrested, tried in Court, and sentenced to 3 years in jail. He is then subsequently transferred to a jail in Nasik but keeps in touch with his children by writing letters through Karim. Karim takes it upon himself to assist this family, but the earnings are not enough and Sudha as well as Rakesh find employment. Guddiya gets intimate with Babloo and gets pregnant, resulting in a hasty marriage. Then Rakesh falls in love with his boss' daughter, Kalpana and marries her. Now Sudha's marriage is set for March, 5, 1982, the very day Shankar is supposed to be discharged from jail. None of the family know that the shock and horror that await them, especially Sudha, just before that crucial date.
The film was initially titled Kaise Karoon Singhaar.
Grahasthi 1984
01 Jan 1984 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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