Did you know? Sridevi shot a quick kiss scene with Mithun Chakroborty while they were in a relationship. After they broke up, Sridevi insisted the kiss be removed from the film. She went as far as to threaten director Umesh Mehra with legal action if he did not comply. Read More
The film is based on the Tamil movie Kaakki Sattai (1985).
Sridevi shot a quick kiss scene with Mithun Chakroborty while they were in a relationship. After they broke up, Sridevi insisted the kiss be removed from the film. She went as far as to threaten director Umesh Mehra with legal action if he did not comply.
Bob Christo's character shares his real name.
Guru 1989
01 Jan 1989 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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