The movie begins with Mahi Arora (Kareena Kapoor), a renowned heroine, being thrown out of a car at night. She hails a taxi to a police station with the intention of lodging a complaint. Before she can do so, her secretary Rashid Bhai (Govind Namdeo) takes her from the station. The movie then goes to flashback for a while, showing the circumstances and her relationship with a well-known actor Aryan (Arjun Rampal). Aryan is in the divorce proceedings with his wife, and dating Mahi. Mahi is completely in love with Aryan, and during one of their intimate moments, takes a video of them just for fun. Aryan is split between his current wife and son, his career, and over-jealous Mahi. When Mahi comes to know about an intimate scene Aryan is shooting for a movie, she barges on to the set and creates a ruckus, which upsets Aryan. Later Mahi is teased by Aryan's current wife in a party, and she insults her back. While driven back from the party with Aryan, Mahi raises the topic, which results in her being thrown out of the car. Mahi then goes into depression, putting her career in jeopardy. One of her friends suggests Mahi to stop playing the victim and to get back again with a bang. Heeding her advice, Mahi decides to rejuvenate her career. She employs a PRO, Pallavi (Divya Dutta) who reinvents Mahi's image and puts her back on the front page of every newspapers and magazines. She starts relationship with an upcoming cricketer, Angad Paul (Randeep Hooda). Their love affair begins to blossom and puts her back into the spotlight. Mahi uses Angad to get role in a big budget film. However, lead hero manipulates so that all the spotlight in the film goes to him and an item girl. Mahi is dissatisfied despite the film being a success, and in a desperate attempt to prove her acting skills she works in an art film for next nine months. In between Angad proposes to Mahi, but she feels that presently they should concentrate on their respective careers. This causes Mahi and Angad's relationship to end. Also the art film never completes, again Mahi goes into depression accompanied by heavy drinking and smoking. As no big film coming her way, she decides to work on a low budget film with newcomers. Also she agrees to make an appearance in the marriage of an industrialist daughter. As fate would have it, Mahi meets Aryan at the wedding. Aryan seems to be apologetic to Mahi for what he had done to her. They decide to rekindle their affair. Mahi is happy that Aryan is back in her life. Also, he wants her to do a big budget film with him. However, the director of the film is reluctant to cast Mahi in the role of the lead heroine as she has lost her appeal. Mahi becomes insane about losing the role to another heroine. She asks Pallavi to leak the sex tape of her and Aryan on the news so that she would get back on the spotlight for the release of her low budget film. As a result of this controversy, the film becomes an instant hit. However, when Rashid Bhai quits his job and a veteran actress in the industry, Shagufta Reza (Helen) whom Mahi admires dearly, dies, Mahi decides to quit acting as well. In the concluding scenes, Mahi is shown walking alone in a foreign country and on being asked if she is Mahi Arora, she replies "no". It is implied that Mahi moved on with her life.
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Did you know? Aishwariya Rai was initially signed for the film and even shot a few scenes, but had to opt out because she was pregnant and her character had to drink and smoke in some scenes.
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