Inspired from true events, this thought-provoking tale is set in the town of Kozhikode, Kerala. It primarily focuses on the life of Haris who is an aspiring gay painter and Vishnu, the subject of Haris’ paintings and his lover. Along with them are stories revolving the life of Sia, who works for a footwear manufacturing company and is a vocal feminist. This socially relevant saga encapsulates a lot of subjects ranging from homophobia to violence against women and the ever infecting patriarchal and right-wing society.
Haris brings Vishnu to Kozhikode where the latter gets a job as a graphics assistant in his uncle’s right-leaning newspaper Bharatbhoomi. His uncle believes that it is his duty to uphold and save his traditions from going to the dogs and disapproves the idea of Haris and Vishnu living together under one roof. The idea of Vishnu posing as a model for all of Haris’ “naked” paintings ignites him even more. Haris’s place has scores of paintings which he wants to showcase as a part of an art exhibition and he gets a chance to do the same.
Sia, who goes by the name of ‘Sia Rational’ on Facebook is a strong advocate of female body rights but is subjected to daily criticism from her conservative Muslim family. She works under a misogynist, condescending boss, who forces a woman to strip in order to find out if she has her periods. When the police take no action after a complaint is filed, Sia along with Haris and a few of their friends decide to stage a protest while Vishnu decides to stay out of it due to its risky nature. Sia Rational ends up putting a Facebook profile picture of her bloodied sanitary pad after which they organise a roadside protest with slogans of “My body, my choice”. While some goons wait on the other side of the road with batons and swords, the police intervene. What will the future hold in store for Haris, Sia and Vishnu?