This socially relevant, woman-centric movie delves into the struggles and successes in the life of Kabita a young woman, who is the sole bread winner for her family. In order to fulfill their dreams and ambitions, she puts herself through the daily grind of working in an office, maintaining a tough exterior at home and at office.
Due to her familial responsibilities, she keeps delaying her marriage with her boyfriend, who becomes frustrated to the extent that he begins showing interest in others. How will Kabita's future unfold? Will she ever be able to unburden herself off all her responsibilities and settle into a happily married life?
Did you know? Kamal Haasan also acted in the Telugu remake Anthuleni Katha (1976) with Jayaprada, playing a different role as her boss and suitor. He also did a guest role in another remake, the Kannada film Benkiyalli Aralida Hoovu (1983) with his real-life niece Suhasini playing the lead role. Read More
This movie marked the debut of iconic actor Kamal Hassan in Bengali cinema.
While the Tamil original was remade in many other languages the only remake Kamal Hassan didn't appear in is the Hindi film Jeevan Dhaara (1982), which had Rekha playing the lead role.
Kamal Haasan also acted in the Telugu remake Anthuleni Katha (1976) with Jayaprada, playing a different role as her boss and suitor. He also did a guest role in another remake, the Kannada film Benkiyalli Aralida Hoovu (1983) with his real-life niece Suhasini playing the lead role.
This movie is a remake of the Tamil film Aval Oru Thodar Kathai (1974) where Kamal Haasan played the same role as he did in this movie.
Kabita 1977
26 Aug 1977 ● Bengali ● 2 hrs 42 mins
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