Quasi-historical adventure movie based on the exploits of the 17th-C. Maratha emperor Shivaji (Bhosle). A large part of the film was shot in a cave where Shivaji meets the Subedar of Kalyan (Bhave). The design of the cave is often hailed as an art-directorial triumph for the studio. The film's dramatic highlight occurs when, inspecting stolen Mughal wealth, Shivaji suddenly confronts not a box-full of coins but a fair maiden (Sultana) emerging from one of the crates full of treasure. It is also stunt superstar Master Vithal's debut, apparently in the role of a dancing-girl.
This movie marks stunt superstar Master Vithal's debut, apparently in the role of a dancing-girl.
This film's dramatic highlight occurs when, inspecting stolen Mughal wealth, Shivaji suddenly confronts not a box-full of coins but a fair maiden (Sultana) emerging from one of the crates full of treasure.
A large part of this film was shot in a cave where Shivaji meets the Subedar of Kalyan (Bhave). The design of the cave is often hailed as an art-directorial triumph for the studio.
Kalyan Khajina 1924
01 Jan 1924 ● Silent ● Running Time: TBA
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