Suraj Prakash is a politician in India representing the Lok Kalyan Party. He would like to address burning issues such as poverty if and when he is voted in power. He exposes a corrupt businessman named Kanwarlal by stopping his trucks carrying illicit goods, but instead loses several party workers when the driver runs over them. Kanwarlal is arrested, but there is no evidence because the file has been misplaced by Junior Public Prosecutor Sandhya. The police file a case against Sandhya, she is arrested and held in prison for a trial. Her bail is posted and she is released. She finds out that it was Kanwarlal who had bailed her out. Then her son gets kidnapped, and it is Kanwarlal who rescues him. She is indebted to Kanwarlal and starts working with him as his attorney. What Kanwarlal does not know is that Sandhya has a questionable past, a past that may well send him to the gallows, if not end his life.
The film is a remake of the Malayalam movie Rajavinte Makan (1986).
Amrita Singh was signed for the film but was replaced by Sujata Mehta after a disagreement with the producers.
Salma Agha makes a special appearance in the song "Pyar Hai Ek Nasha".
Kanwarlal 1988
01 Jan 1988 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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