Nayanthara is an Indian film actress who predominantly appears in Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu films. She is also the recipient of numerous awards. She made her acting debut in the 2003 Malayalam film Manassinakkare with Jayaram and Vismayathumbathu with Super Star Mohanlal. She also acted in a supporting role in super hit malayalam filim Natturajavu before foraying into Tamil and Telugu cinema. She made her debut in Tamil cinema with Ayya and Telugu with Lakshmi. Both were successful. After which she was the female lead in numerous commercially successful Tamil and Telugu films like Chandramukhi, Dubai Seenu, Tulasi, Billa, Yaaradi Nee Mohini, Aadhavan, Adhurs, Simha, Boss Engira Bhaskaran, Sri Rama Rajyam, Raja Rani, Arrambam, Thani Oruvan, Maya, Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, Babu Bangaram and Iru Mugan, making her the highest paid actress in South Indian cinema.
In 2010, she also made her Kannada film debut through the Kannada-Telugu bilingual film Super, her only appearance in a Kannada film to-date. Her portrayal of Sita in Sri Rama Rajyam earned her the Filmfare Award for Best Telugu Actress and the Nandi Award for Best Actress. She won the Filmfare Award for Best Tamil Actress for her performance in Raja Rani. Kochi Times listed her in the "List of 15 Most Desirable Women in 2014".
Born on: 18 November, 1984
Born in: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Height: 5' 5"
Nickname(s): Nayantara, Lady Superstar, Nayan, Mani
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