Fast-paced and refreshingly bold, this contemporary romantic drama traces the trials and triumphs in the life of Ajay (Mahesh Babu). Intelligent and mischievous, he has created his own entry into the house, through a trap door, to avoid scrutiny from his disciplinarian police officer father (Mukhesh Rishi), and mischievous younger sister (Niharika). His mother (Geetha) is kind and affectionate.
Against the wishes of his father, Ajay is a kabaddi champion and goes to Kurnool to take part in a tournament. Serendipitously, he happens to meet Swapna (Bhoomika Chawla) on the trip, and rescues her from the clutches of Obul Reddy (Prakash Raj). He then brings her to Hyderabad and takes her to his room through the trap door. She continues to stay there without anyone's knowledge, blending among the many dolls in his room whenever anyone comes into the room.
Ajay's priorities now are to get a passport and visa for Swapna, so that she can move away to the US and then to win the national Kabaddi title for his team. Will he succeed in achieving these goals? How will their relationship evolve, and how will they evade Obul Reddy and his goons, who are hunting for Swapna everywhere?
Did you know? This film was a tremendous success, which became a breakthrough movie in the careers of many who worked in it, especially the lead actor, Mahesh Babu. Read More
This film was a tremendous success, which became a breakthrough movie in the careers of many who worked in it, especially the lead actor, Mahesh Babu.
The film was remade into Tamil as 'Ghilli' and became a blockbuster in the Tamil version as well.
The character of Obul Reddy played by Prakash Raj is based on a real life character whose characterisation was also featured in Vikramarkudu and Rakta Charitra. In real life he was known for committing many atrocities including kidnapping and raping a married woman.
The film received critical acclaim garnering eight Nandi Awards and five Filmfare Awards South.
Runner TBA
TBA ● Malayalam ● 2 hrs 57 mins
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