This evocative family drama delves into the life of Thilakan, a worker at a factory, whose his family consists of his wife (Kaviyoor Ponnamma), his dad (Krishnan Kutty Nair) and 4 children (2 sons and 2 daughters).His elder son (Balachandramenon) is trying hard to establish himself in Kerala, as he is a patriot who does not wish to earn his living abroad.
His second son (Jagadeesh) is looking for a Government job. Balachandramenon finally starts a telephone booth that is inaugurated by Circle Inspector (Jagathi Sreekumar, Even though the second son has written competitive exams in search of a government job, Thilakan wants Jagadeesh to look out for better prospects in the interim. Jagadeesh also shows some plans to start a business of his own. Once he and Thilakan travel to Mangalore for Jagadish's job interview, and end up getting into a major accident, when the lorry they travel in falls into a river.
Jagadeesh escapes but Thilakan is not found. He is believed to have drowned in the accident. Thilakan, is an insurance holder for a huge amount and his sons make arrangements to claim it stating that their father was killed in the accident. Thilakan's boss (Shankaradi), knowing that Thilakan's family is slated to gain a large sum in the form of life insurance, tries to investigate into the validity of their claim.
Then, in a fateful twist, Thilakan surprisingly returns home alive after being in an Ayurvedic Heritage home under treatment nursing his injuries of accident. His return, however does not please his sons, How will his sons react to Thilakan's return? What will Thilakan do when he realises that his sons love money more than they love their own father?
Veteran actor, Thilakan won the 1994 Kerala State Film Award for Best Actor for his roles in this movie and 'Gamanam'.
Santhana Gopalam 1994
01 Jan 1994 ● Malayalam ● 2 hrs 10 mins
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