Vibrant with the myriad colours of life, this contemporary relationship drama delightfully depicts the evolution in the relationship between Nandan and Thara, who are forced to get married due to familial and societal pressure.
Both of them had been previously involved in love affairs that did not work out. Nandan was in love with Devi, but circumstances force Devi to choose another person. Thara was in love with Sunny, but he is killed in an accident. This invigorating tale traces how two people with broken hearts, who are disinterested in each other, are forced by circumstance to become intimately connected with each other, until a special bond forms between them. Can Nandan and Thara succeed in moving on from the tragedies of their respective past and make their marriage work?
The director of this movie, Venu Nagavally described the events in this romantic drama as his own tragic love story.
This movie did extremely well at the box office, becoming one of the highest grossers of the year.
The soundtrack of this movie was extremely well received.
Sukhamo Devi 1986
19 Sep 1986 ● Malayalam ● Running Time: TBA
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