Jordan is a very good 911 operator, until she gets a call from a teen girl reporting a prowler. Jordan makes a small error of judgment, and the girl ends up killed. Six months later, a shaken Jordan is working away from the phones, teaching trainees the ropes. But when a call from a frantic kidnapped girl, Casey, comes in, Jordan overcomes her fear and takes over. She uses all her skills and training to try to find Casey -- who's locked in the trunk of a car -- before it's too late. But, to Jordan's horror, she eventually realizes that the kidnapper is the same man who killed the other girl.
Audio/Video Mismatch At two different times in the movie, when a call is ended on what is clearly an iPhone, the "charging" sound can be heard. This sound would only be heard when the phone is plugged in to charge, and would not make that sound when a call is ended.
Continuity When Casey is outside the trap door and Jordan is about to call 911, the length of cut on Casey's forehead is shorter than what was when Michael cut her.
Factual Mistake Nitric oxide is being used as an anesthetic to subdue the girl in the basement but it is not an anesthetic - nitrous oxide is the gas used.
Revealing Mistakes On the amber alert it shows that Casey weighs 100lbs, and you can clearly see that she does not weigh 100 lbs.
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