Set against the idyllic backdrop of a small village in Goa, this offbeat drama depicts the trials and travails in the life of Anton Gomes, a deeply frustrated beedi-smoking, chess-playing man. A Goan carpenter forced to make coffins for a living, he’s embittered by life and determined to sulk and rant at everyone around, but especially his wife Isabella (Ratna Pathak-Shah), herself nursing a lifelong migraine and forlorn expression, and son Joseph (Anand Tiwari), who the father considers a good-for-nothing, but still wants to protect from his dreadful profession. Cynical and disillusioned Anton exists, until one day death challenges his life.
As of November 2015, this movie got remained unreleased to general audiences.
The Coffin Maker received the award for Best English Film at the 61st National Film Awards for 2013.
The Coffin Maker 2011
01 Jan 2011 ● English ● 2 hrs 2 mins
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