Did you know? Will reportedly involve unmanned aerial vehicles and will depict "an end of an era of dogfighting and fighter pilots," as the world's powers make the switch to remotely flown, computer aided drones. Read More
Tony Scott was setting up This film project as his next directorial project, but sadly, a day before he was scheduled to meet with Tom Cruise about the project. Scott committed suicide, leaving the project unknown in its development status. According to the project's producer Jerry Bruckheimer, the project is still in the works to happen.
Tom Cruise (Maverick) is now older in real life than Tom Skerrit (Viper) was in the original Top Gun
Will reportedly involve unmanned aerial vehicles and will depict "an end of an era of dogfighting and fighter pilots," as the world's powers make the switch to remotely flown, computer aided drones.
It is rumored that the plot will be centered around drone warfare.
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