A reformist social film about the iniquitous dowry system. Although opposed to the dowry system, the retired government official Purshottama Rao borrows money to get his eldest daughter Kalindi (Bhanumathi) married, against her wishes, to the thrice-married Lingaraju. Kalindi commits suicide before the marriage can take place and when Lingaraju refuses to return the dowry, Purshottama's second daughter Kamala (Pushpavalli) agrees to marry him.
The movie marks the acting debut of actress Bhanumathi Ramakrishna.
'Vara Vikrayam' was based on the novel and stage play of the same name written by Kallakoori Narayana Rao.
The movie had faced some difficulties by storm in the initial stages of production.
Interestingly, Bommaraju Bhanumathi was reluctant to enter into acting. She was more interested in fulfilling her father Bommaraju Venkata Seshaiah's wish to sing for gramophone records. Later she was brought into acting.
Bommaraju Bhanumathi was allowed to act in the movie since there was singing involved in the role and was allowed on the condition that no male actor would lay his hand on her.
Vara Vikrayam 1939
01 Jan 1939 ● Telugu ● Running Time: TBA
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