While a family with two sons are travelling in a train, a tragic accident leaves them shattered and separated. The father Mahalingam, and his younger son, Lakshmanan end up travelling with their friend Raja Velu to the village of Mangudi, where Raja Velu owns farmland. When Raja Velu sacrifices his leg while trying to save the life of young Lakshmanan, Mahalingam works hard to farm his land and ensure their financial security.
Mahalingam's other son gets adopted by a thief and forced to lead a life of crime.
As a young man, Lakshmanan travels to this city in search of Prakash, Raja Velu's only son, only to find him facing murder charges. When he comes to know that Prakash has been falsely charged with the murder charge, he promises to do whatever it takes to see to it that the real killer is identified and brought to justice, while Prakash is acquitted.
Lakshmanan's search for the culprits responsible for putting Prakash in prison leads him towards the face-off against a dangerous criminal network. Will Lakshmanan also come in contact with his long lost elder brother? Who is Kumar and how will the future pan out for both these men? Will Lakshmanan be able to find his long lost mother and reunite his whole family?
This film is based on the Hindi movie Rampur Ka Lakshman (1972).
Mangudi Minor 1978
19 May 1978 ● Tamil ● Running Time: TBA
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